Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey

Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey

The engagement Electricity North West has with its stakeholders is vital to how strategic decisions are made within the business. It’s important that Electricity North West develops strong relationships with stakeholders to support the ambitious plans of the North West region, whilst continuing to provide the best possible service to all its customers.

What we heard

As part of planning for the future, stakeholders including our Chief Executive Panel, challenged us to review the suite of measures used to evaluate the performance, future risks and opportunities of our stakeholder engagement programme.

What we did

We launched our first ever independent stakeholder satisfaction survey in December 2020 and following its success have adopted this annual survey on an ongoing basis. The survey provides a key input into measuring the quality of stakeholder relationships and informing our improvement plans. The survey measures overall satisfaction, attitudes towards the relationship held, future engagement preferences and improvement areas.

The survey is a great opportunity for continual learning. We disseminate the results and develop our improvement plans with our internal stakeholder engagement challenge group, Board, Executive Team, survey participants, wider stakeholders and workforce.

Stakeholder Satisfaction year-on-year

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Annual outputs - What we heard, what we have done and the impact it has had on stakeholders and Electricity North West.