Get connected

Everything you need to get connected to our electricity network

Our online application service may be able to provide you with an estimated quote for single phase connections only, For more complex projects or three phase, please see the options below.

Online application service click here

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Discover more about our connection services, including new connection advice and support, moving a meter or connecting you to the network when you're generating your own electricity. You can also find useful links to Competition in Connections, Incentive on Connections Engagement and network information on this page. 

Apply for a new connection

Do you want to apply for a new connection? please identify the correct type of connection for your project.

Click here

Changing your supply

Would you like to move, change or disconnect your supply?

Click here

Our services

Take a look at some of the services we offer to support our connections work including diversions, agreements and identifying a cable.

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Releasing capacity and enabling connections

Find out how we are releasing capacity and enabling connections in response to the challenges to electricity grid connections.

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View our Major Connections Annual Report

This annual report is a key element of the MCI (Major Connections Incentive) where we publish our performance under the MCI and describe how we are progressing against our Major Connections Strategy, focusing on the low voltage distributed generation market and the service we provide to support competition in connections.

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Competition in Connections

Did you know you have a choice? Find out more about your options in getting a connection. Or, if you work in Connections you can find out what activities you can do and access our information.

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Network information

Take a look at our network data published as part of our Long Term Development Statement (LTDS), register to receive our Geographical Information Systems (GIS) data downloads, or find out more about Flexible Services.

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Frequently asked questions

Explore all of our frequently asked questions.

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Connections contacts

Visit our Connections contacts page for queries relating to connections, generation, disconnections and diversions.

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