Smart Street closedown

Smart Street closedown

Our four-year, £11.5 million innovation project is now complete. Our findings show that Smart Street can deliver energy savings by stabilising and reducing voltage, without affecting our customers’ power quality.

This could save £44 million for customers in the North West and £519 million across Great Britain by deferring expensive network reinforcement, cutting an average customer bill by up to £70 a year.

Smart Street has proved that controlling voltage on our low voltage network brings a number of benefits to customers. It can reduce electricity bills, reduce carbon emissions and will provide more flexible solutions to help us connect low carbon technologies to the network – all without impacting power quality.

Please see the documents below for the key findings from the project and our plans to integrate Smart Street techniques into business as usual.

Closedown report

Final report provides an overview of our key findings from the Smart Street project.

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Summary factsheet

High level summary of the project's key objectives, findings and outcomes.

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Managing LCT clusters

Describes how we will use learning from Smart Street to manage clusters of low carbon technologies (LCTs).

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